Viet Nam Embassy in Australia

Viet Nam Embassy in Australia logo

Viet Nam Embassy in Australia

Opening hours

Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 6 Timbarra Crescent, O'malley, Australian Capital Territory, 2606
Our Booking Policy- Appointments are required for all services; Please do not book more than one appointment for one type of service.
- Yêu cầu đặt hẹn online cho tất cả các thủ tục lãnh sự; Đặt đúng thủ tục lãnh sự và chỉ đặt 1 lần hẹn cho 1 hồ sơ.

Services/Thủ tục LS


4 reviews
  • Thuy Pham·

    Helpful and good experience

  • Robin Peiris·

    Still waiting for the callback

  • Ray Richards·

    Had a meeting booked through online portal, no call received?

  • LK·

    Good experience.

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